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From the Blood of Abel


Format: Paperback, Audio, Electronic
Author: Matthew J. Distefano
Category: Theology
Published: November 7, 2016


While millions of believers around the world are finding their understanding of Christianity to be outdated and untenable, Matthew Distefano has managed to paint the Gospel in such a way that even an atheist could appreciate its beauty. Rather than a message of rapture, or rewards and reprisals, Distefano presents the good news of what God has done in history to stem the tide of our own violence and evil--inviting us into a whole new way of living and being in this world. By integrating René Girard's "mimetic theory" and Ernest Becker's "death anxiety," Distefano is able to diagnose the root causes of human violence and then offer the life-giving solution in the person of Jesus. Both the struggling evangelical and unbeliever alike can take refuge here, finding in this Gospel the thing their soul--and the disintegrating world around them--is thirsting for.


A marvelous follow-up

"Matthew Distefano's From the Blood of Abel is the book that our country and our world needs right now. In a day where Christians are known for our violent rhetoric, persecution complex, and scapegoating of all those who don't fit within our theological paradigm, Distefano powerfully speaks the truth of the Gospel of peace in an accessible and deeply moving way that will shatter the false images of God so many of us have been taught to believe in. In place of the false images, Distefano unveils that the face of God is revealed in Christ, a face that has the power to truly redeem our world. This book is a must read!"

— Brandan Robertson