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Heretic Too


Format: Paperback, Electronic
Author: Matthew J. Distefano
Category: Theology
Published: October 15, 2024


Contrary to what some may say, this sequel, rather than being nine tenths of a lie, is an open and honest set of answers to another set of questions wrestled with by countless Christians the world over. And while nothing in Heretic, Too! is completely unique-that is, much of the theology contained herein goes back as far as Christianity itself-Distefano again creatively puts his unique perspective and humor onto the pages with care. Restorative and healing, this is a must read for any who continue to question their inherited doctrines.


A load of BS...

“So, the skinny, effeminate nerd doesn't like Christians? Then run far away, nerd. We will miss you like a kidney stone. If you're a Christian, Satan is a Christian. The only thing you ever worship is your own wide, dirty, diseased аsshоle.”

— Jacob from Portland