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Jesus Untangled


Format: Paperback, Audio, Electronic
Author: Keith Giles
Category: Theology
Published: January 20, 2017


What if the greatest threat to Christianity in America was American Christianity?

As the Church has become increasingly entangled in the pursuit of politics, the Gospel has become tarnished and often abandoned as the primary focus of the Body of Christ. Jesus Untangled is a prophetic call for the Church to awaken from the "American Dream" and to return to Her first love. Because, as the author powerfully demonstrates in these pages, you can't convert a culture that has already converted you.


Dismiss this book at your own peril

"Jesus Untangled is a clarion call for Christians to wake up to the many ways we have compromised our distinct calling as citizens of the kingdom of God by becoming entangled with the affairs of the kingdom of the world. It is a prophetic call for us to remember, and to never again forget, that we are soldiers of God's kingdom."

— Greg Boyd