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Spiritual Antiracism


Format: Paperback, Electronic
Author: Dan Henderson
Category: Spirituality
Published: August 6, 2024


The Spiritual Journey to Antiracism will challenge every white person to consider taking a very specific voyage. But the trek isn’t always easy and is filled with detours and side roads. Henderson will be your guide through this metaphorical journey, where you will discover the white supremacist script that you’ve been given without your knowledge or approval. Still, it has been controlling your unconscious biases your whole life. It is an inner journey into your true self, mental maps, and scripts, and you will learn how to change and rewrite them. It is an exciting journey toward antiracism that every white person in America should take.


A Genuinely Transformative Journey to Antiracism

“Daniel Henderson's The Spiritual Journey to Antiracism is a profound and insightful guide for anyone seeking to better understand and confront issues of racism in America. This is a well-written book with a detailed road map of how one can genuinely be anti-racist.

— Amazon Review