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Unless a Seed Falls to the Ground


Format: Paperback, Electronic, Audio
Author: D.T. Bryant
Category: Theology
Published: January 14, 2025


Whiteness is a way of being in the world characterized by ownership intent on being separated from others. The “whiteness gospel” divides humanity and metastasizes itself into self-sustaining groups whose most basic claim is some characteristic that values superiority over belonging. It is one reason James Baldwin can assess, “…there is no such thing as white community.” In Unless a Seed Falls to the Ground, D.T. Bryant shares the wounds and rewards of being a native son of this puritanical way of life with the hope of inviting others into a season of hospice spirituality that allows it to die with dignity. It is a plea toward a non-violent end with hope for a new beginning springing from a belonging detached from ownership and superiority.


Important Read

“Using a combination of personal stories, biblical and theological studies, and keen insight, Danny doesn't pull any punches when it comes to the state of and future of the church as we know it. While the church is facing a hospice moment, what Jesus began centuries ago can and will be reborn. I applaud Danny for his bold insights and for the courageous way in which he confronts his own past and complicity. He also challenged me to see my own complicity as a privileged white cisgender male and I believe, offers me a way to be a part of a new beginning as the new seed is nurtured. Thank you, Danny.”

— Amazon Reviewer