Our books cater to spiritual pilgrims who are tired of disingenuous faith and religious baggage. Those who dream of something higher, deeper, and more expansive.

Finally Free


Format: Paperback, Electronic
Author: Seth Showalter
Category: Memoir
Published: October 17, 2023


In Finally Free, Seth boldly and vulnerably chronicles his personal journey of self discovery and acceptance, sharing intimate details of his time in a conversion treatment program aimed at changing his sexuality. He skillfully interweaves his actual journal entries from those tumultuous days with poignant reflections from his current perspective as a therapist, ten years later.

With a powerful and evocative narrative, Seth seeks to vividly illustrate the profound impact of anti-gay rhetoric and religious trauma on individuals, providing an unfiltered glimpse into the emotional upheaval and psychological strain caused by attempts to suppress one’s innate identity. Through his memoir, Seth aims to shatter misconceptions and raise awareness about the damaging effects of conversion therapy, encouraging dialogue and understanding in society.


A must read

“Congratulations Seth, on so many levels! You not only survived a very lonely journey of self discovery and pain but now on the other side, you can fully share your deeply personal story via this book. Your mission to make your story a catalyst for awareness, for discussion, for a better future for others is inspiring.

Thank you for caring, for loving and never giving up when doing so would have been so very easy!”

— Amazon Reviewer