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Jesus Unforsaken


Format: Paperback, Audio, Electronic
Author: Keith Giles
Category: Theology
Published: March 23, 2021


What if Jesus didn't die to save us from God?

The doctrine of Penal Substitutionary Atonement is not the Gospel. It's a theory that originated in the 1500s under John Calvin. The damage done by this teaching is still being felt today. It's time to abandon this toxic theology in favor of a Christ-centered view of the cross that sets us free from sin and unveils a God of love who would rather die than live without us.


Getting back to the Bible's view of atonement

"Jesus Unforsaken is about getting back to the original understanding of what atonement is all about. One of the things I appreciate is how the book points out that whatever your atonement theory is, it is not the same thing as the Gospel. Too many Christians think the Gospel is that we are sinners and that Jesus died on the cross for us. But Jesus always said the Gospel is the fact that the kingdom of heaven is at hand and is within us."