Our books cater to spiritual pilgrims who are tired of disingenuous faith and religious baggage. Those who dream of something higher, deeper, and more expansive.
Hurt by the church. Healed by the journey.
Questioning our faith and spiritual beliefs, while leaving the familiarity of our religious homeland, can be excruciatingly painful. Loneliness, isolation, and fear of rejection--from God and others--can give rise to shame, guilt, anger, and sadness. Yet, paradoxically, this uncomfortable process can be a powerful catalyst that leads to tremendous emotional, mental, and spiritual growth.
Theologian, therapist, and ordained pastor, Mark Karris, is no stranger to the deconstruction/reconstruction process. In Religious Refugees, he explores this disorienting faith-shift through the lens of cutting-edge psychological research, theology, philosophy, and, most importantly, the real-world experiences of those who are going through--and have gone through--this arduous and confusing journey. You don't have to walk this path alone. Join the legion of others on the road to healing and self-discovery and let this book be your guide!