Our books cater to spiritual pilgrims who are tired of disingenuous faith and religious baggage. Those who dream of something higher, deeper, and more expansive.

Returning to Eden


Format: Paperback, Audio, Electronic
Author: Heather Hamilton
Category: Theology
Published: February 22, 2023


"This book is food that will benefit many on their own spiritual journeys."
-David Hayward (@nakedpastor)

"Two out of three Harts agree...Heather Hamilton's book is worth reading."
-David Bentley Hart and Addison Hodges Hart

Do you resonate with aspects of Christianity, but struggle with the coherence of its claims? After having a mystical experience that upended her traditional evangelical beliefs, Heather Hamilton reluctantly found herself in this place. Her seeking led to the most unexpected insights. Returning to Eden  is a field guide for the journey that every true spiritual seeker ultimately takes. The highest truths that set us free are hidden in places that most people are not looking.

Returning to Eden reexamines the Bible stories of childhood and opens them up as symbolic maps into the inner world. Stories like Jonah and the Whale, the Parting of the Red Sea, Noah's Ark, and the Virgin Birth are illuminated with penetrating depth and intellectual integrity. Faith is no longer a white-knuckled grip on implausible beliefs, but a relaxation into a deep inner knowing.

You may be surprised to find yourself reinvigorated and enlightened by stories you thought you knew inside and out. Returning to Eden  has the potential to cultivate a renaissance of wonder and curiosity for anyone from the most seasoned Christians to the most committed atheists, and everyone in between.


This book will be a gift to your life

"In the ancient Christian world and well into the Middle Ages, the highest and most proper reading of scripture was the 'spiritual' or 'allegorical' reading. It was only in the modern period that the dominant Christian understanding of  scripture was progressively contracted into an impoverished literalism; and it was only in the twentieth century that fundamentalism triumphed for so many readers over the beauty, mystery, and richness of the text. In these pages, not only does Hamilton make a case for a bold recovery of spiritual reading; she does so in a contemporary idiom, drawing on the intellectual resources of our day as fruitfully as patristic tradition drew on the hermeneutical methods of its time."

— David Bentley Hart