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Format: Paperback, Audio, Electronic
Author: Matthew J. Distefano
Category: Literary Criticism
Published: March 14, 2023


The works of J.R.R. Tolkien are some of literature's most beloved. For decades, scholars, fans, and critics alike have been discussing and debating the professor's Legendarium-much ink has been spilled, many books bound, all offering their unique perspectives.

Add The Wisdom of Hobbits to that growing number.

In this hopeful yet at times poignant homage, Matthew J. Distefano focuses on everyone's favorite halfling friend: the Hobbit. A charming people, this Shire-based race has captivated, enthralled, and enchanted the hearts and minds of millions. Though not a religious society, the author argues that spiritual truths-love, kindness, generosity, hope, and compassion-can be found within their familiar yet still relevant and didactic tales.

So, come and enter a world of adventure and intrigue. Whether it is your first foray into Middle-earth or the Shire is your second home, allow Distefano to inspire you toward discovering your own inner Hobbit.


Not since reading The Tao of Pooh so many years ago have I enjoyed a book of this nature as much as I did this one

"Matthew J. Distefano shows through his close observation of Tolkien's Hobbits, in all their guileless homeliness and foibles, how wisdom and heroism are often disguised by the seemingly simple and insignificant. Although there is serious philosophy to be found in these pages (e.g., a discussion of faith and free will), Distefano wears his erudition lightly. Mostly, he wants us to recognize ourselves in these hairy-footed halflings and to learn from them. In short, this is a book about the adventure of living fully human lives, warts and all, and only superficially about Hobbits.”

— Addison Hodges Hart