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The Prophet


Format: Paperback, Electronic
Foreword by: Wm. Paul Young
Category: Classics
Published: May 9, 2023


This fully annotated edition of “The Prophet” includes:

  • A Foreword by William Paul Young, highlighting the spiritual significance of the work
  • A timeline of the author’s major life events
  • A publisher’s note on the importance of the Quoir Classics series

Khalil Gibran was a Lebanese-American writer, poet and artist whose writings have profoundly inspired and deeply touched people around the world for generations. He is best known for The Prophet, a book of 26 poetic proverbs of deep wisdom and insight on topics ranging from love, marriage, children, religion and death. Originally published in 1923, this book is widely considered to be his greatest work and has been translated into more than 100 languages, making it among the top ten most translated books in history.


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Quoir Classics, an imprint of Quoir Publishing, is dedicated to the rejuvenation of great works from exceptional authors of literature, poetry, philosophy and mysticism that still resonate with modern readers today.