Our books cater to spiritual pilgrims who are tired of disingenuous faith and religious baggage. Those who dream of something higher, deeper, and more expansive.

Used to Go to Church


Format: Paperback, Audio, Electronic
Author: Nick Vleisides
Category: Church
Published: July 28, 2020


Life can often be brutal, unjust, and fraught with emotional trauma. As a first responder chaplain for over 23 years, Nick Vleisides has experienced countless scenes of unbearable grief and pain. When asking the brokenhearted, "Do you have a faith to help you through?" the response in some form is almost always, "Well, we used to go to church."

Blending first-hand accounts of tragedy with opportunity for raw self-examination and reflection, Vleisides delves into the realm of spirituality and belief amid loss and despair. For the "spiritual but not religious," who want to pursue God outside the walls of organized religion, Used to Go to Church is an invitation to rethink faith and open up to a life centered on grace, mercy, and love.


Be prepared to cry

“Nick's writing is fluid, but raw in its unabashed telling of some of the scenes he's come upon: teen suicides; young people just starting life cut down by cancer; a man stilled by MS but still able to smile and thank God for his life. His narrative is authentic, and while he avoids deep theological discourse, he brings to the reader a deep understanding of scripture and doctrine, but he never lets that cloud the central message of his book: God is Love, and that love is within us and we are often the channels in desperate times for that Love to be showered on those who are suffering the greatest hurt.