Our books cater to spiritual pilgrims who are tired of disingenuous faith and religious baggage. Those who dream of something higher, deeper, and more expansive.

Discovering Fire


Format: Paperback, Electronic, Audio
Author: Roger Wayne Wolsey
Category: Spirituality
Published: April 4, 2023


"Christianity meets Burning Man"
"Richard Rohr meets Oprah"
Psychedelic Christianity"

Discovering Fire is a big rock dropped into the spiritual pond. Roger Wolsey reduces the mutual allergy and wariness among religious and non-religious people by sharing about his deep dives in a wide range of spiritual practices. His words help religious and non-religious people respect and commune with each other and the Divine – and share the planet with greater ease. Can you be Christian and do shadow-work, draw tarot cards, see shamans, or engage in ecstatic dance, breath-work, or psychedelic plant medicine? If so, how can one do so with respect, integrity, and address cultural appropriation? Can you be religious and spiritual? Are you a Christian concerned about those who are finding spirituality outside of the Church? Are you “Spiritual But Not Religious” and have family members praying for your soul so you don’t go to hell? Were you raised in the Church, no-longer active with it, yet still love Jesus and wonder if God blesses you and your hybrid spiritual journey? Do you yearn for more healing in your life? Discovering Fire explores these questions with wisdom and care.

A Go-To Field Guide to Spiritual Practice for the 21st Century.


Highly recommended

Discovering Fire is full of warmth, crackle, and gentle luminosity. If you feel you’ve been shut out in the dark, around this campfire you’ll find welcome, sanity, and serenity. All of Roger Wolsey’s fires may not be right for you, and he doesn’t prescribe them: he just shares—with humility and honesty—what experiences and practices have brought him light and warmth on his spiritual journey.”

— Brian D. McLaren