Our books cater to spiritual pilgrims who are tired of disingenuous faith and religious baggage. Those who dream of something higher, deeper, and more expansive.

Sola Deus


Format: Paperback, Electronic, Audio
Author: Keith Giles
Category: Spirituality
Published: June 6, 2023


Being Human as God is Human

If God is the One in whom we all live and move and have our being, then perhaps we are the ones in whom God lives and moves and has being too. If so, where does God end and where do we begin? In this book, author Keith Giles asks us to reconsider our common assumptions about God and ourselves in ways we've never imagined before.


An important and accessible book

"I’ve long considered Keith Giles to be on the forefront of spiritual thought. Since 2017, his books have been a constant companion gently calling me deeper into my own spiritual evolution.

In Sola Deus, Keith invites us to consider a question that changes everything-What is God? As Keith searches out his own answer to that question he invites each of us to seek out our own. In doing so, Keith gracefully calls those who have eyes to see to find God in everyone and everything.

This book is full of hope for the future of humanity and I can’t wait for you to experience it for yourself."

— Jason Elam